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Tuesday, 19 December 2017

My journey to Aotearoa in a Waka

Day 1:

It's awesome to go to another island. My grandfather has already gone ahead of us and is already there waiting. We are running out of food very fast, we only have cow and sheep meat left. I hope someone brought some fishing gear so we could catch some fish.

Day 2:

I'm 15 years old today. Dang it, we have run out of food. I still have my knife, I might make myself a spear, I just need a long stick. I can't find one, wait, what is that floating in the sea? It's a stick! I can use this.... done! now I've just got to find a shark....

Day 3:

My stomach hurts! I need to find a shark to eat, maybe I'll just spear a fish.... huh! got one! Now I can eat.

Day 4:

Finally here! My back hurts, I need to lie down. Grandpa, there you are! Where's your house? I need to lie down and sleep. Finally.... snoring loud!

Friday, 8 December 2017

playing for points

Walt: instantly recognise numbers and follow instructions

This wednesday me and my group played this game call playing for points my group was mana and james sally halp as to play the game i learned it help me with my maths and it was sow mach fun
i found it easy and fun but the hard thing was  noting